Curs Conversatie Adulti

Curs de conversație adulți (perioadă flexibilă, pe bază de abonament)

Grupa de vârstă

Adulți (18+)


Sesiune de 1h15min (grup de 4-6 cursanți)


Abonament: 4 sesiuni la preț redus de 140 lei (față de 160 lei)
Se achită minim 4 sesiuni în avans
Prima participare este gratuită

Data incepere

În fiecare vineri de la ora 17.30

Ce avantaje îți aduce acest curs de conversație?

Topicuri programate pentru perioada următoare:

1. Travel Experiences

Have you traveled to any interesting places? Where would you like to visit next and why?

What do you like to do in your free time? Have you recently picked up any new hobbies?

If you could have any job in the world, what would it be and why? How different is it from your current job?

Is there a skill you would like to learn or improve? What challenges do you face in learning it?

Have you noticed any interesting cultural differences when interacting with people from other countries? What surprised you the most?

How has technology changed the way you live or work? Are there any gadgets or apps you couldn’t live without?

What is one of your favorite memories from childhood? How has life changed since then?

Do you try to follow a healthy lifestyle? What habits do you think are most important for staying healthy?

What are your personal or professional goals for the next few years? What steps are you taking to achieve them?

What type of food do you enjoy the most? Do you like cooking? Share a favorite recipe or a cooking tip!

How do you feel about social media? Do you think it brings people closer or creates more distance?

What is one important life lesson you’ve learned so far? How did you learn it, and has it changed the way you approach life?